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A Plan for Artists to Cultivate Community around Art.

In the museum's hallowed halls, a figure stands entranced by the vibrant tableau of artistry. Art

The Claire and Jan Art Foundation’s mission is to change the world through the power of art, fostering a network of individuals and groups who are passionate about promoting and supporting art for current and future generations. We believe that art holds the power to inspire, raise awareness, and create a positive impact on the world we share. Our goal is to set examples of best practices on how to build a strong community around one’s art, cause, or idea. With a deep belief in the good spirit of people, we work to unite our local NYC community and extend these connections on a global scale.

To further this mission, we offer a free "Guide to Success," a comprehensive blueprint designed to help artists build a worldwide network of like-minded supporters through social media. This guide encourages followers to spread the word, like, share, and support the development of today’s artists.

We encourage art enthusiasts to engage with their local artists and support newly discovered talents by interacting with their social media and collecting their works.

Welcome to our Art Community!